things you should talk to me about
I am critical of all my interests.
- technology & tech history
- life science
- literary analysis
- cosmology
- game development
- unfiction
- 2001 series by Arthur C. Clarke
- SCP universe
- my characters (ask me about them!)
- David Lynch stuff (Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, Inland Empire, Mulholland Drive)
- yoshitoshi ABe stuff (Haibane Renmei, Serial Experiments Lain, Niea_7)
- Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul
- Satoshi Kon stuff
- Kino no Tabi
- Ghost in the Shell
- Star Trek TNG
- Matrix trilogy
- Kaiba (2008)
- Mother series
- Final Fantasy (VII, IX, X, XIV)
- I also love and hate Crisis Core.
- The House in Fata Morgana
- Yume Nikki and fangames -- .flow, 2kki
- Bemani series -- especially DDR
- Legend of Zelda series -- have only played Ocarina and on
- Ib
- Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
- Silent Hill series (1, 2, 3)
- Rhythm Heaven
- Kill the Past series (The Silver Case, Flower, Sun, and Rain, working on Killer7)
check the index page at the bottom.